Now that you have come up with your business idea/ side hustle, you need sales to keep it running, and break even. The next step is marketing. Sure, maybe your business has been having organic sales and good referrals, and sales are not that bad but at some point, you need to scale your business and that would require you to take your marking seriously. Marketing is important because it helps you sell your products and services. Amongst all the other goals you have for your business, generating money is probably one of the important goals on your list. The right marketing strategy will help you do just that. Here are some of the best ways to market your business/ side hustles in Zimbabwe.
W.O.M is when a consumer/ client’s interest in a company’s product/ service is reflected in their daily conversations. Word of Mouth Marketing is one of the best ways to grow your clientele with little to no effort and a zero budget. Your existing clients will either bring in more clients or create a barrier to entry for new clients. The best way to make sure your clients do the former is by providing good, efficient, and quality customer service. Most businesses overlook this component in their planning and that allows you to be distinct. Remember, people may forget what was said to them but will never forget how you made them feel. Make your clients feel good and spread the good word to your potential clients. Prioritize planning and making policies for your business that are in favor of good customer service.
These are platforms for advertising that promote products/services connecting both buyers and sellers in one single entity. This is an excellent way to market your business without going through the stress of strategizing and looking for/building an audience. The classifieds platform does all the dirty work for you, how great is that? You probably recall this kind of advertising back in the days when newspapers specifically the Sunday Mail had businesses listed, job vacancies listed on that huge sheet. Unfortunately, very few people read newspapers nowadays. The same concept is still being used in this digital era. is an online classifieds platform that can link you to buyers and do the marketing for you. Sign up today by clicking this link tengesai.
Social media is not so social anymore, many businesses and side hustles are making a ton of sales through the different platforms. Signing up on all the social media platforms will not guarantee you success, you need to have a strategy, set goals before you engage in social media marketing for your business. Setting your goals beforehand will help you get the desired results and plan the necessary steps to get there. On which platforms are your clients? What is the end result of our post? These are some of the questions you need to ask yourself before you engage in social media marketing. The relevancy of your content is also a major factor. At times following trends is not always a win, for instance, popular slogans like “hauskuda”. These tend to promote the owner of the brand, know your brand boundaries, and which trends to follow.
This is also known as Public Relations (PR). This involves getting articles about you and your business in publications and online platforms. Your wins as well as important projects you are engaging in or your business anniversary. If you are seen in the “right” places you will attract your target audience. Public Relations will play a major role in raising your profile and brand awareness.
Yes, the good old-fashioned business cards will help you market your business/ side hustle. Your business card is something that you move around with and will be a great asset when you attend networking events or managed to do an unplanned elevator pitch to the “right stranger”. Invest in creating a business card for your organization.
These are some of the tips you can start using to market your business, Best of luck in growing your business/ side hustle.